How To Stop Masturbating

Masturbating is like cancer and most people who masturbate will tell you that  once you start masturbating it's very difficult coming out of it that's why we brought out these points to help those trying to come out of these syndrome come out of it as early as possible. sex education and social health discussions needed to include topics like masturbation on a daily basis because nowadays it's a major issue.
Please check out this video

 Some young boys/girls and also elderly feels that masturbating is a way out of them expressing their sexuality and enjoying themselves sexually but the truth is that even if you enjoyed masturbation and you think that there's no need checking out on how to com your own partner, masturbation will hurnt you one day because you will be trying to come out of it.

Below are nine points that will guide you come out of masturbating

1). Choose a particular time and only once daily.

Choosing a particular time of the day and making up your mind that you will not masturbate more than once daily will help those who masturbate more than once daily. This may even cause them to forget some of the days they were to masturbate. This process is called slowly but surely because gradually your masturbating appetite will go away.

2).  Block all porn sites.

Porn is main reason for masturbating according to many people so blocking porn sites on phones and machines will help reduce your interest in masturbating.

3) Avoid talking to opposite sex all day.

Talking to opposite sex on social is another way which can make you feel that masturbating is a better way to enjoy yourself but if you avoid this it will help you generally reduce your masturbation anxiety

4). Do those things you love most.

Occupying yourself with things you Love most is one of the best ways you can use to forget about masturbating. Let's say you're football fan then make sure you associate yourself with soccer fans as well.

5).  Have a schedule.

Make sure you have a schedule of your activities such that you're always occupied and hence paying less attention to masturbating.

6). Avoid talking about nudes.

There are friends of opposite sex you always exchange nudes with them. If you can stop this harbit then a lot of things will change regarding masturbating. This also include friends of the same sex who will always tell you they enjoy nudes

7). Think about your goals and what you will achieve after stopping masturbation.

The goals of stoping masturbation is awesome and it a wonderful thing for many who're in to masturbating to stop and enjoy theses benefits. After stoping masturbation the following changes will be seen

-- Your energy will be great

-- Your confidence will be wonderful

-- Your looks will be fresher and many will appreciate you.

-- You have a better connection with the Almighty God

8).  Get married.

Getting married is another effective way of coming out of masturbating. This will help you have sex only with your partner and it will also let you understand that your partner is always if you need sex.

9).  Pray to God.

God is the solution to everything so praying and putting everything to the Almighty will help you greatly.

Thanks very much for following
Please watch our YouTube video on this topic.


Medical laboratory scientist and Reproductive Health Expect at Timah Diagnostic Center Bamenda-Cameroon


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