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 Don't check your cervical mucus during or right after sex. Also, avoid checking when you're feeling sexually aroused. Arousal fluids are not the same as fertile cervical mucus,4 but you probably won't be able to tell the difference. 


Checking after sex is also a bad idea because it's too easy to confuse semen with cervical secretions.You can check your cervical mucus by looking at the toilet paper or your underwear. Not everyone is comfortable with putting their finger inside to check themselves.So you don't have to. You can instead pay attention to how wet your vulva feels on a day-to-day basis, pay attention to the discharge on your underwear, or look at the toilet paper after urination.


There is, in fact, an entire method based on this: the Billings Ovulation Method, With all that said, however, it's easier for many women to physically check themselves and reach inside. Consider checking your cervical mucus after bowel movements. Of course, first, wash your hands well! But if you have trouble finding cervical mucus, it may be easier after a bowel movement. 


Having a bowel movement moves down any vaginal discharge closer to the entrance of your vagina.If you have multiple patches of fertile cervical mucus, look for additional ovulation signs besides CM.Some women, especially those with PCOS, have several patches of fertile-looking cervical mucus throughout their cycle. If this is your situation, predicting ovulation by tracking cervical mucus might not work well for you.You should consider paying attention to other ovulation signs, like cervical position changes. 


You may also want to chart your basal body temperature, so you know which (if any) of the fertile cervical fluids indicated ovulation. Some medication may interfere with your cervical fluids.Antihistamines dry up more than your sinuses — they also dry up your cervical fluids. Ironically, Clomid can prevent you from having fertile quality cervical mucus. In this case, you might not find as much fertile cervical mucus before ovulation. So, you might want to try using an ovulation predictor kit to detect ovulation instead.If you never get fertile quality cervical mucus, tell your doctor. Lacking fertile quality cervical mucus can be a sign of a hormonal imbalance or fertility problem. Cervical mucus that doesn't ever become fertile is sometimes referred to as hostile cervical mucus.You may see fertile cervical mucus again right before your period.Some women notice that their cervical mucus becomes wet or almost egg white-like again right before menstruation.


 Obviously, this isn't a sign of impending ovulation.Women sometimes wonder if getting a lot of cervical mucus just before their period is a possible early pregnancy sign. The fact of the matter is, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between "early pregnancy" cervical mucus and regular "just before your period comes" cervical mucus.You may confuse semen with cervical mucus.A day or two after sexual intercourse, you may confuse semen with wet cervical mucus. With experience, you can learn how to differentiate the two, but for the purposes of getting pregnant, assume that you may be approaching ovulation and mark your calendar or chart accordingly.


Do not attempt to wash away your natural vaginal fluids!Cervical mucus is normal and healthy. Some women wash away "ovulation secretions" thinking they are unhygienic or unhealthy, but douching can decrease your fertility.Make sure you're drinking enough water.Dehydration won’t help your trying-to-conceive efforts. If you’re not drinking enough water, your mucous membranes (which include the cervical area) won’t be as moist. Your body will reserve the water it has for the most vital body functions.Cautiously consider supplements.Some say that vitamin E supplements can improve cervical mucus quality. 


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