Types and symptoms Of Nipple Discharge.

#Nipple #discharge comes in many colors. The color may give you some clues about the cause. The chart below lists the discharge colors and some possible causes if you’re not lactating.


white, cloudy, yellow, or filled with pus 

🙏🏽 Possible cause 👉🏼an infection of the breast or nipple



 🙏🏽 Possible cause 👉🏼 cysts

🙏🏽 Color

brown or cheese-like

🙏🏽Possible cause👉🏼  mammary duct ectasia (blocked milk duct)



🙏🏽Possible cause👉🏼 breast cancer, especially if only coming from one breast 


🙏🏽 color


🙏🏽Possible cause👉🏼  papilloma

breast cancer

The causes listed are only suggestions. You should see a doctor for a proper diagnosis if you notice nipple discharge of any color.

Discharge can also come in a few textures. For example, it may be thick, thin, or sticky.

The discharge might come out of just one nipple or both nipples. And it can leak out on its own or only when you squeeze the nipple.

Some other symptoms you might have with nipple discharge include:

👉🏼breast pain or tenderness

👉🏼lump or swelling in the breast or around the nipple

👉🏼nipple changes, like turning inward, dimpling, changing color, itching, or scaling

👉🏼skin changes, such as rash or lesions


👉🏼breast size changes, such as one breast that’s larger or smaller than the other


👉🏼missed periods

👉🏼nausea or vomiting



When you’re pregnant or lactating, small amounts of milk might leak out. The leakage can start early in pregnancy, and you could continue to see milk for up to 2 or 3 years after ending nursing.

However, you may have discharge even if you’re not pregnant or lactating. Other causes of nipple discharge include:👇🏼

👉🏼birth control pills

👉🏼breast infection or abscess

👉🏼duct papilloma, a harmless wart-like growth in your milk duct

drugs that increase levels of the milk-producing hormone prolactin, such as antidepressants and tranquilizers

👉🏼excess stimulation of the breast or nipple.

👉🏼fibrocystic breasts

👉🏼hormone changes during your period or menopause

👉🏼injury to the breast

👉🏼mammary duct ectasia, known as a blocked milk duct

👉🏼prolactinoma, a noncancerous tumor of the pituitary gland

👉🏼underactive thyroid gland

👉🏼breast cancer.


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