How Can Alcohol Stop You From Getting Pregnant

Factors Affecting Fertility



How alcohol affects fertility

Heavy drinking increases the time it takes to get pregnant and can affect a developing baby's health.
Heavy drinking can also reduce men’s sex drive, affect the quality of sperm and cause impotence.
For women planning a pregnancy, if they decide notanot to drink alcohol then it will be  one of the safest option.

Other Factors

Alcohol can reduce both men’s and women’s fertility. This is true even if the drinking is just   light, it  can reduce the chance of pregnancy.

Heavy drinking increases the time it takes to get pregnant and reduces the chances of having a healthy baby.

It is not clear how drinking small amounts of alcohol affects unborn babies but it is well known that drinking high amounts can be harmful.

Research shows that even drinking lightly can increase the time it takes to get pregnant.

Its actually a myth to  think a woman should stop drinking alcohol once she is pregnant, but until then there is no reason to stop.

It's a fact that drinking alcohol reduces the time it takes to get pregnant and reduces the chances of having a healthy baby. For women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, choosing not to drink alcohol is the best and safest option.

Take note that the  more you drink the higher the risk for the unborn baby
Binge drinking (more than six standard drinks on one occasion) can cause serious trouble likemlike  stillbirth, premature birth, small birth weight, and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Also drinking alcohol adds kilojoules and may lead to gaining weight, depending on the amount people drink.

In  Men,
Heavy drinking can cause impotence, reduce their sex drive (libido) and their sexual performance and affect the quality of their sperm.

While it is not known exactly how alcohol affects fertility in women, research shows that even drinking lightly can increase the time it takes to get pregnant, and reduce the chances of having a healthy baby.

Women who drink large amounts of alcohol (seven or more drinks a week or more than three drinks on one occasion) are more likely to have heavy or irregular periods and fertility problems.

Alcohol can also affect ovulation, which can make it difficult to conceive.

Things you can do 

The good news is that women who stop drinking alcohol while trying to conceive and during pregnancy improve their chances of having a healthy baby.

Men can contribute to a healthy pregnancy by keeping their alcohol consumption within safe limits.

It is easier to stop drinking alcohol when the people around you don't drink. Going alcohol-free with your partner or a friend will increase your chances of pregnancy. It's also good for your baby’s health and your own health.

Consider watching our YouTube video on why do Pregnant women bleed 


Written by Timah Dawuda
Med laboratory scientist at Timah Diagnostic Center Bamenda


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