How to strengthen your vaginal musclesHow to strengthen your vaginal muscle

 How to strengthen your vaginal muscles

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Pelvic exercises are a great way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are part of your core and help support your:

  • bladder
  • rectum
  • small intestine
  • uterus

When your pelvic floor muscles weaken from age or childbirth, you may:

  • accidentally leak urine or pass wind
  • feel the constant need to pee
  • have pain in your pelvic area
  • experience pain during sex

Although pelvic floor exercises can help treat mild urinary incontinence, they aren’t as beneficial for women who experience severe urinary leakage. Your doctor can help you develop an appropriate treatment plan that suits your needs.

Interesting in strengthening your pelvic floor? Here are some exercises you can try:


Kegel exercises

First, you need to identify your pelvic floor muscles. To do so, stop midstream while you’re peeing. If you succeed, you figured out the right muscles.

Once you do, follow these steps:

1.  Pick a position for your exercises. Most people prefer lying on their back for Kegels.

2.  Tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Hold the contraction for 5 seconds, relaxing for another 5 seconds.

3.  Repeat this step at least 5 times in a row.

As you build up strength, increase the time to 10 seconds. Try not to tighten your thighs, abs, or butt during Kegels. Just focus on your pelvic floor.

For the best results, practice 3 sets of Kegels 5 to 10 times a day. You should see results within a few weeks.

Pelvic tilt exercises

To strengthen your vaginal muscles using a pelvic tilt exercise:

1.  Stand with your shoulders and butt against a wall. Keep both of your knees soft.

2.  Pull your bellybutton in toward your spine. When you do this, your back should flatten against the wall.

3.  Tighten your bellybutton for 4 seconds, then release.

4.  Do this 10 times, for up to 5 times a day.

Vaginal cones

You can also strengthen your pelvic floor muscles by using a vaginal cone. This is a weighted, tampon-sized object that you put in your vagina and hold.

Shop for vaginal cones.

To do this:

1.  Insert the lightest cone into your vagina.

2.  Squeeze your muscles. Hold it in place for about 15 minutes, twice a day.

3.  Increase the weight of the cone you use as you become more successful in holding the cone in place in your vagina.

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)

NMES can help strengthen your vaginal muscles by sending an electric current through your pelvic floor using a probe. The electrical stimulation will cause your pelvic floor muscles to contract and relax.

You can use a home NMES unit or have your doctor perform the treatment. A typical session lasts 20 minutes. You should do this once every four days, for a few weeks.




The bottom line

Remember: A “loose” vagina is a myth. Age and childbirth can cause your vagina to slightly lose some of its elasticity naturally, but your vaginal muscles won’t stretch out permanently. In time, your vagina will snap back to its original form.

If you’re concerned about changes to your vagina, reach out to your doctor to discuss what’s bothering you. They can help ease your concerns and advise you on any next steps.






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