Advantages Of Not Having Sexual Intercourse

Throughout the internet it's common to find documents, articles, journals and many other information about Advantages Of sexual intercourse but difficult to find information on Advantages Of Not Having Sexual Intercourse. It is important to take note that having regular sexual intercourse has tremendous Advantages but not having Sexual Intercourse is also advantageous and we should know about it.



Understanding the advantages of not having Sexual Intercourse will help us have sex at the right time and sex will also has it's rightful place such that we should only have sex when it's necessary.

Sex is necessary  when we want to reproduce as well as for our own personal pleasure but  if we want to see The Advantages Of Not Having Sex then we need to abstain from sex for some time and see the advantages of staying away from sex.


According to, one orgasm could burn up to 60 to 100 calories of energy. This is essential ernegy your body will need to rebuild itself and do other things.

2. Confidence
Confidence here is important because the more energy you give out the the less confident you become and this will imply that as you store extra ernegy from abstaining the more confident you become

3. You look different and more attractive

Did you know According to OXFORD ACADEMIC JOURNAL it takes 40 meals to make a drop of blood, 40 drops of blood  to make a drop of born marrow and 40 drops of bone marrow to make a drop of semen. This is the amount of valuable bone marrow which goes out each time we have sex.  Since bone marrow is important in building blood cells, hence the more your bone marrow the better your look since extra bone marrow will be available to produce extra cells of the body when needed.

4 You're less likely to get sick

According to Medical News Today

  • Bone marrow produces 200 billion new red blood cells every day, along with white blood cells and platelets.
  • Bone marrow contains mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells.
  • Around 10,000 people in the US are diagnosed each year with diseases that require bone marrow transplants.
  • Several diseases pose a threat to bone marrow and prevent bone marrow from turning stem cells into essential cells.

Please don't forget to watch our YouTube video on this topic


Take a break now and preserve these vital borne marrow given out during ejaculation and you will see that these infections will be  prevented by your own system since there's excess bone marrow to produce enough blood cells including vital WBC.

It's normal that many will doubt this but trying it will be the best way to experiment and the best thing you can do to yourself. So please go home and abstain for just 3months and see the benefits.

Writing by
Med laboratory scientist at Timah Diagnostic Center Bamenda Cameroon.

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